Client Testimonials


Personal Training | Strength | Yoga

“I am Meera, 70 years old

True story

One month before, I couldn’t walk properly, climb steps or sit. But Shu Ting Mam did miracles

Shu Ting helped me to overcome it in one month. Yes one month. She took training 13 sessions of cat poses, stretching with belts, stretching legs & hands, bending, every joint movement, finger & neck movements. It helped me wonderfully to overcome my movements problems.

She trained me how to walk properly, climbing steps, how to get up.

Shu Ting also taught some Yoga positions. Her session ending shavasan was very helpful in getting fully relaxed and peace of mind.

Within just one month I could walk, climb steps easily.

Big Thank you Shu Ting madam.”

Aunty Meera


Personal Training | Prenatal | Strength | Yoga

“… I got pregnant half way through and Shu Ting was very flexible and changed my exercise and program to suit my body. It is tremendously helpful that she is also trained in pre and postnatal yoga! I was still able to work on strengthening my weaker areas, at the same time she offered some much needed stretches and meditation at the end of the session.

Highly recommend Shu Ting if you’re looking for someone who is flexible, caring and can tailor the training program to your needs…”

Meerly Wang

  • “I initially trained with Shu Ting as I have lower back and SI pain. Being a yoga practitioner for more than 10 years, I feel that I can trust Shu Ting for her wealth of experience and knowledge in yoga and personal training. I got pregnant half way through and Shu Ting was very flexible and changed my exercise and program to suit my body. It is tremendously helpful that she is also trained in pre and postnatal yoga! I was still able to work on strengthening my weaker areas, at the same time she offered some much needed stretches and meditation at the end of the session.

    Highly recommend Shu Ting if you’re looking for someone who is flexible, caring and can tailor the training program to your needs (even if your needs change half way through, no problem!)”


Personal Training | Prenatal | Strength | Yoga

“…Shu Ting’s prenatal yoga and personal training has really helped me manage my sciatica and other aches & pains in my pregnancy. Shu Ting was recommended by my sister and a friend for yoga/ personal training. She took time to understand my issues and worked with me to see what I could do. She also pointed out some prenatal yoga postures which I was doing on my own, but making my conditions worse.

Before I started training with Shu Ting, I was experiencing a persistent dull pain on the left side of my body. The pain made it difficult for me to sleep on my left and I also began to struggle with sitting on the floor. The pain subsided after 4-5 sessions of training. With the pain gone, I could comfortably sleep on my left side, as well as sit easily on the floor to play with my young daughter…”.

Tanvi Ahuja

  • “…Shu Ting’s prenatal yoga and personal training has really helped me manage my sciatica and other aches & pains in my pregnancy.

    Shu Ting was recommended by my sister and a friend for yoga/ personal training. She took time to understand my issues and worked with me to see what I could do. She also pointed out some prenatal yoga postures which I was doing on my own, but making my conditions worse.

    Before I started training with Shu Ting, I was experiencing a persistent dull pain on the left side of my body. The pain made it difficult for me to sleep on my left and I also began to struggle with sitting on the floor. The pain subsided after 4-5 sessions of training.

    With the pain gone, I could comfortably sleep on my left side, as well as sit easily on the floor to play with my young daughter.I liked that over the course of the personal training, she was able to suggest some variations or new exercises that I can do to manage my changing conditions, particular in the 3rd trimester. She also checked in with me after the session to see how I’m doing, which is greatly appreciated!

    The weekly sessions have made a huge difference for my aches and pains , physical strength and energy levels.

    I would highly recommended Shu Ting for anyone looking for prenatal personal training.”.

    Tanvi Ahuja

Women in a private pre-natal fitness session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training | Postpartum | Strength

“…Over just a few months we have achieved my goal of regaining strength and more. I’ve discovered muscles I never knew I had, which helped my body get stronger and feel less strain from constantly bending over to pick up a baby that’s only got heavier over time! I can confidently say I am stronger now then before pregnancy when I was doing more intense workouts.

Shu Ting’s knowledge of how the body works has also been invaluable in helping to relieve a stiff, aching body. Oftentimes the stretches she tells me to do work better than going for a massage…”

Stephanie Siow

  • “I started training with Shu Ting with the goal of building strength after pregnancy. her approach to fitness and nutrition is realistic and always encouraging even for the most challenging exercises. As such, I feel motivated to try and even get better at exercises I would normally give up on.

    Over just a few months we have achieved my goal of regaining strength and more. I’ve discovered muscles I never knew I had, which helped my body get stronger and feel less strain from constantly bending over to pick up a baby that’s only got heavier over time! I can confidently say I am stronger now than before pregnancy when I was doing more intense workouts.

    Shu Ting’s knowledge of how the body works have also been invaluable in helping to relieve a stiff, aching body. Oftentimes the stretches she tells me to do work better than going for a massage!

    I would recommend Shu Ting to anyone looking to get stronger and more importantly - remain consistent on their fitness journey.”

Women in a private post-partum fitness session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Private Yoga (Couple)

“…Every session is tailored to how we are feeling on the day or if we would like to focus on specific areas. We would start off tense, imbalanced and distracted from the day's work.

Through the Restorative session with Shu Ting, we would gradually become more relaxed and the mind quietens. The perks of having the sessions at home in the evenings, allow us to wrap-up our work day with some well-deserved calm and some of the best sleeps post sessions.

Shu Ting is very attentive to our individual limitations/stiffness and problem areas and ensures we are comfortable through the stretches and poses…”.

Pollyanna Rayappan & Caroline France

  • "We were looking for something that would help us ease our bodies from daily activities - the stiffness - from sitting at the desk all day to soreness from a session at gym session.
    Rest, restore and relaxation on our own can be distracting hence were looking for someone who might be able to guide us in customisable weekly sessions.

    We started with ShuTing in the comforts of our home in September 2021 and have continued with our weekly sessions since. Every session is tailored to how we are feeling on the day or if we would like to focus on specific areas.

    We would start off tense,imbalanced and distracted from the day's work. Through the Restorative session with Shu Ting, we would gradually become more relaxed and the mind quietens.

    The perks of having the sessions at home in the evenings, allow us to wrap-up our work day with some well-deserved calm and some of the best sleeps post sessions.

    Shu Ting is very attentive to our individual limitations/stiffness and problem areas and ensures we are comfortable through the stretches and poses. However, with Shu Ting's guidance and tailored sessions, we reap the benefits both physically and mentally. "

Two women in a private yoga session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training | Postpartum | Strength | Yoga

“…Shu Ting brings the “yoga mentality” to the gym, which made each exercise (however hard it might be) feel doable. I felt that I was being challenged in a very motivational way and this approach to training made it so much easier for me to make it a habit!

With the depth of knowledge Shu Ting has on how the body functions after giving birth, I felt a complete peace of mind knowing I was in good hands after 2 c-sections. I’ve never had any doubts and just fully trusted in her guidance on what I should or should not do during our training sessions…”

Sacha Van Ginhoven

  • “I starting doing post-partum personal training and yoga with Shu Ting after the 1st Circuit Breaker in Singapore back in 2020. I had both shoulder and hip mobility issues, plus upper back stiffness from long hours of working from home at a desk.

    My core and back muscles were also weakened after my two pregnancies. When we first started training at 4 months post-partum after my second child, my mind was very much focused on just losing my pregnancy weight. I never thought about my posture much, but it makes all the difference. Through regular training and yoga with Shu Ting, I managed to transform my body in more ways than one. A good posture definitely makes people look even better!

    Shu Ting brings the “yoga mentality” to the gym, which made each exercise (however hard it might be) feel doable. I felt that I was being challenged in a very motivational way and this approach to training made it so much easier for me to make it a habit!

    With the depth of knowledge Shu Ting has on how the body functions after giving birth, I felt a complete peace of mind knowing I was in good hands after 2 c-sections. I’ve never had any doubts and just fully trusted in her guidance on what I should or should not do during our training sessions.

    Probably the greatest endorsement I can give is the fact that I have been training with Shu Ting for almost a year and we are still continuing to work together on my fitness journey!”

Women in a private post-partum fitness session in Singapore CBD with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training (Small Group) | Strength
& Injury Rehab

“…I have a ton of injuries from swimming competitively, and developed backaches from working from home (thanks, Covid!), so was initially slightly apprehensive about training. Shu Ting customized my training program to not only work around my many injuries but also strengthen relevant muscles to support it and bring me some relief. She has an incredible knack for finding the right balance of backing off when necessary and pushing me at other times so that I continue to progress 

I really appreciate the holistic philosophy that Shu Ting brings to training, as she ensures I have the proper nutrition and recovery to keep progressing and avoid injuries. I also do other activities outside of training, and she makes sure the exercises I do complement them. Shu Ting’s focus on mobility has allowed me to build strength without sacrificing my range of motion…”

Christel Bouvron

  • “…After training with Shuting for 4 months, I feel much stronger, and less plagued by injuries. I find myself looking forward to working out with Shuting (even at the crack of dawn!) because of her positive energy and the feeling of accomplishment I get at the end of each session. I’m grateful for her coaching, and I’m excited to keep getting stronger!”

Women in fitness session for climbers in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training (Small Group) | Strength & Injury Rehab

“…Shu Ting helped me realise that those numbers means very little and I should focus on approaching workouts holistically with nutrition, sleep, recovery, NEAT and results will follow.

Her attention to detail on proper form and technique is on point .

Shu Ting is extremely patient and a good listener (rarity in a lot of coaches).

She knows how to keep pushing you to finish that last set/rep. She is also mindful of injuries and tweaks the program to suit you better.…”

Kirthana Lakshmanan

  • "As a data person , I obsess about a lot about the numbers that comes from Machines like weight, bmi etc .

    Shu Ting helped me realise that those numbers means very little and I should focus on approaching workouts holistically with nutrition, sleep, recovery, NEAT and results will follow.

    Her attention to detail on proper form and technique is on point .

    Shu Ting is extremely patient and a good listener (rarity in a lot of coaches ).

    She knows how to keep pushing you to finish that last set/rep. She is also mindful of injuries and tweaks the program to suit you better.

    She introduced me to 1 hour walks everyday … that was a super duper hit amongst our gym community.

    I have a goal of getting that first push-up and I foresee it happening in the next few months ."

Women in a strength and injury fitness session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training | Strength & Mobility

Shu Ting is attentive and organised in her training programme. She is able to give clear coaching cues to correct my posture during weights training. I liked that she would prescribe modified movements during workouts to help with my knee issues.

In addition, my muscle endurance and mobility have improved significantly over the past few months. For instance, I could not really do a full side plank in the beginning, but now I can hold my side planks for sets of 40 seconds after 3 months of training. Overall, I have enjoyed my workout sessions with her.”.

Chia Yun Chuan

Man lifting weights for strength and mobility fitness session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training | Strength & Injury Rehab | Yoga

“After 4 months of training with Shu Ting, I feel physically stronger. Functional aspects of life like bending, picking up heavy items etc. with my back issues has become much easier.

A nutritional review by Shu Ting also got me tracking my meals and planning my weekly menu together with my helper. The nutritional overhaul has really helped me with my energy levels. I get tired less easily now and am thus motivated to move more. I even surprised myself doing a some challenging core exercises which I never saw myself doing before!…”

Premanjali Gupta

  • “I reached out to Shu Ting for home-based personal training as I was looking for a trainer with a strong background in yoga. Besides being overweight, I have several gynaecological disorders combined with herniated lower back discs.

    As such, I needed someone who has experience working with these conditions. I have always enjoyed yoga classes with Shu Ting, so I wanted to be able to alternate strength training and yoga sessions with her.

    I always knew I needed a trainer whom I can't bully, but at the same time, isn't too pushy or condescending. Having been in the corporate world, Shu Ting understands the pressures of working life, but is also firm when she needs to be. Shu Ting personalises our sessions, often making adjustments on the fly as my energy level fluctuates from week to week, especially in relation to my sleep quality, work stress, hormonal balance and menstrual cycle.

    She regularly checks in to make sure that I am committed to the lifestyle changes (e.g. regular movement, improved eating habits) that we agreed upon from the onset. She also has a sense of humour that works for me and we have a similar tastes in a number of things, which makes it easy for us to chat while working out.

    After 4 months of training with Shu Ting, I feel physically stronger. Functional aspects of life like bending, picking up heavy items etc. with my back issues has become much easier.

    A nutritional review by Shu Ting also got me tracking my meals and planning my weekly menu together with my helper. The nutritional overhaul has really helped me with my energy levels. I get tired less easily now and am thus motivated to move more. I even surprised myself doing a some challenging core exercises which I never saw myself doing before!

    I'm glad to have started my fitness journey with Shu Ting and would recommend anyone who enjoys combining the therapeutic elements of yoga with the functional aspects of strength-training to work with Shu Ting!”

    Premanjali Gupta


Personal Training | Strength & Injury Rehab | Yoga

“…after working with Shu Ting, it all changed. For the first time ever, I enjoyed exercising. We often laughed and giggled. She really encouraged and motivated me throughout our training sessions. She is very thorough with her explanation and visuals to demonstrate proper technique and form for my safety and achieving my goals. She is always watching over my progress. Being well-aware of my challenges, Shu Ting has helped me to overcome various limitations comfortably; guiding me through to the next stage without struggle…”

Makiko Yomo

  • “Having personal training with Shu Ting was the best decision I have made for myself. My stiff and aching body screamed that I needed exercise but I didn’t know how to start. When I occasionally tried to exercise on my own, I would stop because of back pain and discomfort.

    After working with Shu Ting, it all changed. For the first time ever, I enjoyed exercising. We often laughed and giggled. She really encouraged and motivated me throughout our training sessions. She is very thorough with her explanation and visuals to demonstrate proper technique and form for my safety and achieving my goals. She is always watching over my progress. Being well-aware of my challenges, Shu Ting has helped me to overcome various limitations comfortably; guiding me through to the next stage without struggle.

    I have trained with her for half a year now and I’m very pleased with the entire process and the results. I’m more energised, my back pain is gone, and I’m excited to have more training sessions with her.

    Highly recommended!”

    Makiko Yomo

Woman lifting weights for strength and injury rehab session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

Personal Training (Remote) | Strength & Injury Rehab

“…Working with Shu Ting has not only increased my physical strength, but my mobility. Shu Ting cares very much about her clients and encourages them in every way that she can. Her training programs are meticulously planned according to my goals and physical restrictions. She loves to celebrate the small victories of her clients, whether in terms of their training goals or in life…”

Lyndalou Yang

  • “Having never really been a fan of fitness centers, I found all the cardio machines and heavy weights intimidating and confusing.

    Fortunately for me, I have been able to work out at home throughout the circuit breaker period and beyond, with the online guidance of Shu Ting as my personal trainer. With her help, I managed to put together a mini home gym -- using my existing props and improvising with other household items.

    Working with Shu Ting has not only increased my physical strength, but my mobility. Shu Ting cares very much about her clients and encourages them in every way that she can.

    Her training programs are meticulously planned according to my goals and physical restrictions. She loves to celebrate the small victories of her clients, whether in terms of their training goals or in life.

    ​I greatly appreciate all that Shu Ting has done for me and am so thankful for all the time and effort in helping me to achieve my goals now and in the future.

    Lyndalou Yang

Virtual Personal Training with Personal Fitness Instructor

Private Yoga (Individual & Couple)

“She is a patient and caring instructor who takes care to look after the individual needs of her clients and puts their welfare, health, and comfort as her first priority. Her relaxed but structured approach to yoga has made each session with her thoroughly enjoyable. I highly recommend Shu Ting, who is an outstanding Yoga instructor and practitioner!”

​Samuel Myat San

Man in private yoga session in Singapore with Personal Fitness Instructor

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